Monday, June 13, 2011

Reading: Marvel zombie collection

it's off to a very good start . the way they started the plot is awsome. you should definitly read it. will review the serie when i finish reading it. leave your comment if you already read it (no spoilers).


Malkavian said...

what a coincidense, just started reading it. looking great

FarTooNerdy said...

zombieeess! makes it that little bit cooler.

Dan Elliot Treto said...

Actually, my brother told me about giving this Comic book series a try, but I never got around to it.
Thanks for reminding me.

Comic Book Club said...

it just gives you chills when you see thor and hulk fighting :D.i am now in the lead-ups and tie-in and so far it's just top notch

Anonymous said...

great read! following

onionnite said...

Looks pretty cool. I'll give it a try one of these days.

FateIT said...

I thought these had been out for awhile, i seem to recall seeing them being sold used over a year ago

Comic Book Club said...

yes you're right. but they are just awsome!

Kopite said...

Been awhile since i've read a comic book. I'll give it a go.

Barbeque said...

Marvel comics! man I used to read them... until my dad threw them away.... sob.
but wait is that Zombies???

A Lord said...

Wait... I thought Wolverine was already a zombie, as he cant die. And wouldn't his super healing just fight off the zombie infection? Also they made zombie Marvel guys?! where has this been all my life?!!

GMSoccerPicks said...

Never heard about that, but it looks awesome. I mean, they are zombies, cant be bad.

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