Presentation: Frank miller is probably one of the comic book writer that never did any of his comics wrong, they are all polished and have a deep story telling. 300 is no exception with it's amazing story telling that captures the Epicness of one of the most amazing stories in the ancient Greek history.
Story: In 480 BC, King Leonidas of Sparta gathers 300 of his best men to fight the upcoming Persian invasion. In what is likely a suicide mission, they and their allies plan to stop King Xerxes' invasion of Greece at the narrow cliffs of the "Hot Gates" (Thermopylae). The terrain prevents the Greeks from being overwhelmed by Xerxes' superior numbers.Before the battle starts, Ephialtes, a deformed Spartan, begs Leonidas to let him fight but is rejected due to his hunchbacked form, which prevents him from lifting his shield high enough to be of use for the phalanx.The Spartans and their allies successfully hold off the Persians for two days and nights. During a break in the fighting, Xerxes meets with Leonidas and offers wealth and power in exchange for his surrender. Leonidas declines, and battle continues. In his depression, Ephialtes betrays the Greeks by telling the Persians about the existence of a small pass that allows Xerxes to attack them from behind.Learning of the Persian maneuvers, the Greeks realize their position is indefensible, but the Spartans and a few others refuse to retreat. Before engaging the Persians for the last time, Leonidas orders one Spartan (Dilios) to leave, so that he might survive to tell their story.
Art: As you'd expect from a Frank Miller novel. everything is gorgeous. The fight scenes are captured beautifully, I read it the comic books once and I found myself looking trough the pages again and again. It is really a treat for the eyes
Verdict: I give it a [8.5/10]. If you have seen the movie this comic book won't add anything new but if you haven't read this first and then watch the movie, wich I recommend.
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I'm kinda disappointed to hear that i won't enjoy that much this book if i've already seen the movie. I guess i could still give it a go, it wont hurt me.
As I thought, I think I'll just skip this.
i didnt enjoy the movie. cant stand russell crowe
Absolute classic, loved the comic and the movie.
Is he making a sequel with the Marathon battle? it'd be awesome too if he did. Finally a movie/novle that doesn't screw up Greek history and/or mythology like disney and many more have done in the past
Damnit damnit damnit, should've looked up the graphic novel before the movie
"Frank miller is probably one of the comic book writer that never did any of his comics wrong"
Oh boy. You never read The Dark Knight Strikes Again... or anything after 300, right?
It's not that those books are bad per se, it's just that... they're so bad they're sort-of good.
I loved the movie The 300 Spartans from 1962!
I really regret not reading the book before I watched that movie, but for the longest time I didn't even know the comic existed
like it ;D
the movie is very good
I didn't know 300 was a comic before it was a film either.
Film was pretty good and so are what snippets I've seen of the book.
I readed one from frank miller about a tax-dude from the future or something like that and I think is the worst comic ever. The quality is not the name.
awesome movie, great review ! followed +1 = )
I always see this in the store and have never bothered, I guess it's good though, might be worth checking out.
When was this book published?
This one sounds like a must-miss! Oh well maybe I'll just have to grab walking dead again, I love the zombies! +1 for honesty.
I didnt know this book existed either
Looks interesting I'll give it a read :D
I haven't seen the movie, I should check this out :)
I liked the film but im not so much into reading
300 is one of the best things ever written/filmed in opinion.
One of the most epic stories ever told imo.
i love this movie..
Movie was too gory
i saw the movie and thought it was great, i should check out the novel now
Even though I've seen the movie, I would like to see the artwork in the comic.
Tonight we gonna dinner in hell!
Loved the movie, I need to check out the novel too.
The movie was great :) I'm not really a comic-book person so I'll pass on this one :).
The movie is a classic, let's see if this is as well. Also, I want to know if it has the famous "This is Sparta" scene.
Best movie of all time.
I think I'll pick this up just for the artwork. Thanks for the review!
If this comic is as good as the movie it'll be great!
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