Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Review: Blackest night

Presentation: green lantern never received the love that it deserved . But in this serie is where green lantern shines

Story: The story is too long to put in a few lines but it's about this prophecy mentioned in the book of Oa . i seriously did not like the story it is told as if you read everything from the dc universe and that threw me of at the beginning but as i was reading the story i found a lot of similarities with the marvel zombie, i am sorry if i am not developing it enough but it's not very good.

Drawing: The drawing is what kept me going . how the characters are displayed is just amazing , everyone get the same level of detail and all the corps colors is just great.

Verdict: It's a good serie if you are familiar with all the dc charcters but for casual readers it's just confusing . For that i give a [6/10].

P.S.: this review isn't very good just for the fact that i didn't like reading the comic. I promise better reviews in the near future


RobertM said...

I thought the review was great. I've always wanted to get in to comic books.

DavyJones said...

Might buy a couple after this review!

Shaw said...

I don't think it's fair to lower its score because a book about an event encompassing the entire dc universe expects the reader to have some knowledge of that universe.

Comic Book Club said...

i lowered the score because this blog is about casual reader not hardcore ones . but other than that the story is good

StigmataHandjob said...

I like it when they add hints and references to other parts of the universe, but if you HAVE to have read a lot of the other comics to understand what you're reading now, I'll pass.

Dilord said...

Good review, I have only got parts of the story of Blackest night I will go ahead and help my self to the library for this Thanks for the insight.

Sketchar said...

Nice review, it would be neat if you could give suggestions for what will be good for people to start reading. I find if you start something you must finish, but some comics go for far to long, or just never end. It would be nice just find a 50 or so volumes of a comic and that being it. I remember there are some series that only have like 20 volumes to. Well good stuff so followed.

DM said...

This stuff looks amazing

BurakuPowa said...

What did you think of the movie?

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